Time to Wake-Up and Smell the Coffee!
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Mary Trump, that Donald Trump is not going to 'quietly' go away. And, instead will continue to foment violent uprisings. Even, if Trump is 'muzzled' by social media platforms, the courts, and prison time. It will most probably just add 'fuel to the fire'. Biden did NOT win by a Landslide, because Trump is NOT totally wrong in everything he said, or even did during his Presidency.
I was one of the most vocal person in 2016 about the dangers that Trump would pose if he entered Office. And, it was not just because of his policies and promises, but rather the dangers he posed to ALREADY completely broken institutions. This is true at national, as well as international levels, with the conservatives and the liberals as much at fault. And, why BOTH sides won't Listen, or even Talk to me. Trump is NOT an anomaly amongst the American ruling-elite, but rather exemplary of those who have risen to Power since the 1980s.
Unfortunately, as time has shown, I was right. But, even with the recent attempted 'coup' on Capitol Hill by Trump supporters! NO ONE is waking up! ALL the Democrats have cared about in the past 4 years was destroying Trump, and sabotaging the GOP--as is the 'Game' amongst 'Swamp-Dwellers'.
So, ALL I can do at present is continue on writing letter, after letter, after letter, documenting the BAD FAITH of 'Swamp-Dwellers' (who are ALL complicit to the rise of the Fourth Reich) in preparation for a Grand Jury/Nuremberg Trial investigation! After my most recent letter and report to 'big-wigs' Econ professors of GWU, I received an email from the GWU 'Police Detective' asking me if I was threatening these Professors, by telling them if they, and all their 'big-wig' friends DO NOT Wake-Up and Smell the Coffee, BLOOD-SHED will ENSUE!
I asked the Detective if he had EVEN READ my letter, because ALL he was concerned about was my 'reference' to blood-shed, and if I was 'threatening' anyone. I told him, that his 'reaction' and 'concern' were ONLY manifestations of the PARANOIA that REIGNS in the 'Swamp', and more PROOF as to how local police forces are ONLY concerned with 'Protecting' the 'big-wigs' and 'experts' in the 'Swamp'. Instead, of Defending and Upholding the US Constitution, and Democracy in the US--upping the ante against 'Swamp-Dwellers' under RICO and FCPA!
As I keep pointing out, to EVERYONE in the 'Protection Rackets' that CONTROL Washington, "I was just doing my job," or "just following orders' IS NO DEFENSE, against Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide, as well as Subversion of the US Constitutions. EVERYONE in the 'Swamp' contend that Trump MUST be held to ACCOUNT. Because, NO ONE is ABOVE THE LAW. So WHY are SO MANY 'Swamp-Dwellers' COLLUDING to assure that CRIMINALS in the city are 'given a free pass', as long as they are politically correct and willing to SELL OUT to the status quo of extremists on the Right as much as the Left!?!?
EVERYONE in Washington needs to start being held the the SAME standards of ACCOUNTABILITY that they are ask for Trump's family and their 'partners in crime'!