See my letters to Public Authorities soliciting an investigation into the activity of Washingtonians under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and the Patriot Act listed below:
Letter and Report to Generals Walker and Dean of the DC National Guard - 4/2/21
Letter to Mrs. Mike Pence - 2/8/21
My correspondence to Steven Sund is regarding the Jan. 6th Insurrection on Capitol Hill, and the ensuing Congressional Hearing on Feb. 23rd. I do not wish to rehash legitimate issues and questions that were raised by Congressional members about the responsiveness and effectiveness of the Capitol Hill police to rioting mobs—which are the same ‘management’ and ‘communication’ problems found in ALL organizations, including the US Congress. The hypocrisy of Congressional members line of questioning and accusations would be comical, if the situation were NOT so DIRE. This kind of finger pointing, shaming and witch-hunts looking for a ‘fall guy’ is TYPICAL of the Machiavellian games that characterize Washington at present, and I quote from my letter,
I can just imagine the events in the aftermath of the Insurrection that propelled you to immediately resign, which is my understanding you now regret. I am sorry for any ‘reprisal’ you received from Congressional members, as I appreciate the difficult position and stressful situation that Capitol Hill Police were put in and endured. Hopefully, the organization will turn the tables and start putting some HARD questions to those in Congress whose Negligence, Machiavellian games, and incessant partying and ‘couch-casting’ are at the root of the rising dissent and violence. Tweets and calls to ‘fight’ are just sparks for already filled powder kegs.
It is ASHAME that the Capitol Hill Police have chosen to 'place nice' with Congress and NOT Call them Out, even though it is THEIR LIVES on the front lines, when the riots begin. Unfortunately, their INACTION at present is just another example of who Everyone in the city is more concerned with their pocket-books and Keeping Up with the Jones, instead a Dedication and Alliance to the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and DEMOCRACY in the USA!

House Finance Committee (2018-2019): Whose responsibility it is to Oversee the Policy & Practices of the IMF & World Bank!!
When I contacted Ocasio-Cortez office in Jan. 2019, I was told that she did not yet have a staffer for House Fin. Com. issues. So, I told her office that I was sending them my resume and application for the job, along with the pertinent information. AOC’s office is looking at a ‘double whammy’ under RICO and FCPA for discriminatory hiring practices as well as CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE of her staff in fulfilling their duties on the House Fin. Com.
Coorey Booker – Email July 2018 – See Discussion with a Booker 2020 Pres. campaign staffer.