G. Maxwell's Guilty Verdict Reinforces Belief that ALL Socialites
are Sex-Traffickers & Whores – Another Victim in ‘Deep State’, ‘Mommy Wars’!
In the past 15 years I have been targeted in Hate Crime after Hate Crime by the Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs) (as defined in Biden's report, “Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Heightened Threat in 2021”) that permeate Washington, DC's Swamp of Narcissists, Psychopaths and Brown-Nosing Ladder-Grapplers whose Greed and Amorality is ASTOUNDING, DISGUSTING, and subverting the US Constitution and Bill of Rights!
Since, I, like Ghislaine Maxwell, am a ‘rich, white, socialite’ who has been CANCELLED by my ‘family and friends’ as well as the American government and legal community, have been ‘Fair Game’ in the Machiavellian Games of Washingtonians, whose ONLY concerns are CASHING IN, while participating in the degradation of Rights of workers and tenants in the city (with the complicity of DC court systems, 'big-wig' journalists and press outlets.
Like Ghislaine, I have been targeted (and CANCELLED) by ‘family and friends’ in the past 15 years for being a ‘rich, white, socialite’ and part of the ‘jet-setting’ ruling-elite. However, instead of being a ‘party-hardy’ girl, like the 'Real Housewives' (aka Stepford wives) of NYC, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, LA, London, Paris, Madrid etc., I was a DEDICATED and DEVOTED mother and wife
Regardless of the Bullying, Denigration, Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and Ostracization from labor and housing markets, I have been subject to, and which is designed to Silence me and "get me living in a tent on the streets." I WILL NOT be Silenced and NEVER STOP fighting to be reunited with my sons. DC is NO different than Berlin in the rise to power of the 3rd Reich and Hitler, and filled with fascists on the Right as much as the Left.
Fascism is a form of authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy that rose to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
All the 10%ers in the 'Games' (aka Domestic Violent Extremists, DVEs) believe that they are ‘protected’ and ‘untouchable’. However, as I explain in my coverage of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ‘ousting’ they are in a High-Stakes 'Poker Game', where winner takes all. And, as I keep warning all these Machiavellian 'game-players' , one should NOT ‘crap shoot’ in a High-Stake Poker game, particularly when you are ‘betting your farm’ as well as risking a ‘life’ prison sentence! As I explain Ad Nauseum to my networks and Adversaries, when you FAIL to protect and defend the Liberty, Rights and Property of others in the ‘community’ you forfeit YOUR Liberty, Rights and Property!
The Misogyny against 'rich, white, socialites' is as RAMPANT in court systems as much as 'Woke' 'public opinion'. So are the 'hate crimes' against 'fair game' deposed-socialite victims, which the 'ruling-elite' offer up as 'sacrificial lambs' to atone for the 'Sins' of the queens and socialites such as:
‘Grand Dames’ amongst the WASP Republicans, ie. Bunny Mellon, C. Z. Guest, and Nancy 'Pants' Reagan and amongst the Minoritist Democrats Ethel, Eunice, Jackie, Pat, and Jean of the post WWII, 1950s Golden Age.
'Debs of the Decade' Cornelia Guest amongst the WASP Republicans and Kerry, Caroline, and Maria (Shriver) Kennedy amongst the Woke Democrats of the 1980s cocaine epidemic Golden Age and Reaganomics trickle up of amorality, narcissism and animal rights, 'I'd rather go naked', vegan living.
For generations social-climbing Narcissistic and Psychopathic 'ruling-elite' mothers have been ‘conditioning’ their daughters to be 'tarts' instead of 'ladies' who will not only service all of the power-hungry men with 'zipper problems', but turn a blind-eye to the Corruption, Greed and Stupidity of the 'upper-crust' in their midst.
Donald Trump is correct in his contention that 'foreigners' are trying to take over the country. However, this phenomenon has been going on since the Gilded-Age and Gold Rush in the West, with his mother, wives (Ivana and Melania), and daughter (Ivanka) perfect examples. Bankruptcy-building, spoilt, Narcissistic prep school/ivy-league college Donald has been involved in illegal and amoral activity in NYC's real-estate markets, since the 1970s (with bankruptcy-building, predatory and amoral Dwight Schar doing the same in DC and N. VA real-estate markets since the 1970s) under the 'watchful' eye of Corrupt and Amoral local and federal govt. officials, and turning the cities and USA into a Third World in the process.
The Irish Catholic Kennedy family, whose wealth was made during Prohibition, were major players during the rise of the 3rd Reich in Germany, with fascists Joseph, Rose, and Joseph Jr. Kennedy at the Lead. The Corruption and Amorality that the Kennedy family have fomented and promoted in DC in the past 60 years has proven the WASPs fears that allowing Catholics access to political and economic power in the US would be its downfall. The NY Italian Catholic Cuomo family (under the 'reign' of former Governor Mario Cuomo (1975-94) and sons, Andrew (1993-2021) and Chris (2006-2021)) are yet other cases in point of the dangers that predatory and exploitative Catholics (hiding behind 'charity' work) pose to societies, economies and political institutions.
Andrew Cuomo's and Kerry Kennedy's Woke social-media influencing/propagandist daughters, Mariah, Michaela and Cara Kennedy-Cuomo have just followed in the foot-steps of their parents and immigrant grand-parents, seeking 'fame and fortune' in American's Gold-Rush, and subversion of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The same phenomenon of industrious, Protestant, Northern Europe vs. predatory, Roman Catholic, Southern Europe is seen in the EU.
The same phenomenon is found amongst the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, black, brown, and yellow immigrant communities on 'Both Sides of the Pond'. 'Minority' immigrants have been flocking to Western Europe and the USA for centuries (usually by force or dire necessity in their home countries), who then sought 'fame and fortune' in the 'American Dream'; rather than coming to participate in upholding the democratic principles for which the Founding Fathers fought and died.
As British Imperialist and son of American 'Gilded Age' socialite (who had 200 'lovers' during her life), Jenny Jerome Churchill's son, Winston Churchill stated, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Unfortunately, the Saxe-Coburg and Goth/Windsor/British Royal family since the time of Queen Victoria has been 'Out-to-Lunch' and NOT fulfilling their Oversight role of their governments, as have the rest of the European monarchs (all descendants of Queen Victoria).
Ghislaine Maxwell has just been used as a ‘sacrifice’ to atone for the ‘Sins’ of all the ‘ladies’ in the ‘Game’. I have been targeted in the same type of hate-crimes (against ‘rich, white, HONORABLE and HARD-WORKING socialite') for the past 15 years. So, I am very familiar with the VICIOUSNESS that Ghislaine has been victim to while in prison and in the courts, with her 'family and friends' hanging her out to dry with their 'cancel culture'. And, my Youtube video posting found below “G. Maxwell’s Guilty Verdict Reinforces Belief that ALL Socialites are Sex-Traffickers & Whores,” explains HOW and WHY Maxwell’s guilty verdict is just elevating and reinforcing the misogyny, hatred, bullying, harassment, and discrimination against ‘rich, white, socialites’!
As Meghan Kelly commented in the aftermath of the ‘Ailes scandal’, and her ‘cancellation’ by main-stream media outlets for ‘whistleblowing’, the ‘ladies’ in workplaces at present consider it ‘normal’ that a woman would ‘service’ her boss, because she “wanted to be a star on TV.” Her comment is a SAD testament to the prevailing ‘ideology’ of 'working women'. It is also negating the Responsibility of these 'ladies' in promoting the ‘couch-casting’ in workplaces as well as many other problems being produced.
In the 1980s, I NEVER had to ‘sleep’ with anyone to get a job or promotion. However, in today’s labor markets it is Required in order to get hired or ‘advance’ in one’s ‘career’.
The politically motivated arrest and trial of Dominique-Strauss Kahn (DSK) in 2011 and documentaries in its aftermath highlighted the FACT that the ‘rich and powerful’ men in the ‘Game,’
spend their youths ‘burning the mid-night oil’ in order to obtain ‘Straight-As’.
go to ‘good’ private schools and universities where they ‘make the right contacts’, and be assured a ‘preferential’ position in labor markets where they can be ‘serviced’ at their leisure by all the ‘ladder-grappling’, Amoral and sexually promiscuous ‘ladies’ in the ‘Game’.
These men failed to ‘sow their wild oats’ while young, and believe that once they have attained ‘good jobs’ their ‘work is done’, instead of JUST STARTING!!! Labor markets and professions across the board are producing 70-90% Incompetence and Failure rates, because all the ‘ladder-grappling’ Managerialist in the ‘Game’ are too busy jet-setting, schmoozing-and-cruising, partying, and looking for their next ‘conquest’ to BOTHER with DOING THEIR JOBS with DILIGENCE, TRANSPARENCY, and ACCOUNTABILITY!
The original 'Deb of the Decade' was cocaine-snorting, strip-teasing, Studio 54 'jail bait' of the 'Golden Age', Cornelia Guest, and a former classmate at the exclusive girls boarding school, Foxcroft School in VA. Foxcroft and its alumnae have been 'cheerleaders' and 'role models' for the 'jet-setting', party-hardy lifestyle of the 'Rich and Famous’ for over 40 years.
(Scroll to 31:00 for Cornelia's Interview with Larry King in 1986)
The truth of the matter is that all the Men in the ‘Game’ of the ‘Rich and Powerful’ have ‘zipper problems’ and are DELIGHTED to have ‘ladies’ in workplaces willing to ‘service’ them anytime they drop their pants. Therefore, they turn a blind-eye to the ‘shenanigans’ of the Whores in the ‘Game’ who are trying to become Queens of America the Great (ie. Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, Michelle Obama, AOC, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ivanka Trump, inter alia)!!! The Narcissism Epidemic which was begun in the 1980s in tandem with Reaganomics ‘trickle down’ policies, has progressed into a Psychopath Epidemic, and why extremist ideologies and rhetoric are escalating on the Right as much as the Left.
Instead, of just investigating Jan. 6th violent Insurrectionists, Congress, and Director of the FBI Wray and Attorney General Garland SHOULD BE examining all of the ‘social media influencer’ Socialites who are espousing the ideologies and rhetoric which are ‘Normalizing’ rampant sexual deviancy, hedonistic, and exploitative lifestyles and practices and promoting it as the ‘American Dream’ of the Founding Fathers!! Unfortunately, the REFUSAL of these men, and the Biden Administration to launch an investigation against the thousands and thousands of DVEs in Washington. just implicates them in violations under Racketeer Influence Corrupt Organization Act (RICO), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and the Patriot Act. And, when their ‘House of Cards’ collapses and ‘protection rackets’ fall apart, these CRIMINALS and TERRORISTS, and their accessories, will have to Pay the Piper!!!!
I have little hope that the ‘Winds of War’ will change, until the world descends into another World War, and people become tired of mounting casualty and death rates, because the 'ruling-elite' in the US, Europe, and in other regions of the world DO NOT want the partying, fornicating, and hedonism to End!