Please see letters that were sent to DC 'big-wig' lawyers at the beginning of the COVID shutdown, to which I never received a response - as is 'habitual custom' amongst DC 'big-wigs' and 'Game-players' who have grappled the 'ladder of success' in the past 40 years!
Unfortunately, the Arrogance combined with Stupidity Washingtonians has set the Entire City, top to bottom, up for a FALL under RICO, FCPA and the Patriot Act, inter alia. I have been contacting journalists across the globe for the past 15 years in efforts to Expose the Elevated Corruption in court systems, as much as those in government and pseudo-government agencies, the Press, and ruling-elite in the USA and Europe COVER-UP of that corruption. However, just like EVERYONE else they have played the 'ignore her 'til she goes away game' with me, not realizing that I am NOT GOING AWAY, and will see THEM, along with Everyone else in COURT!
Letter to Stella Moris Assange RE Julian Assange's Deportation from England
Letter to Eric Bolling - 9-29-22, former FoxNews journalist and author of The Swamp: Washington's Murky Pool of Corruption and Cronyism and How Trump Can Drain It (2017)
