In efforts to reach the Royal Family with my words of Warning, I have contacted the people listed below. However, as is 'habitual custom' with EVERYONE, I am simply 'ignored', adding these people the list of those who are Covering-Up for ALL of the Corruption and Efforts of the Feminists, Minoritists, Industrialists and Techy Oligarchs to TAKE REMOVE the British Royal Family from power completely, and become the New Royals of the World.
What the British aristocracy has failed to calculate in the efforts to 'CANCEL' and 'ignore' me is that they too are going to be targeted - just like I have for the past 15 years - by 'Minorities' wishing to REMOVE, DISEMPOWER, and DESTROY the old-guard elite, in order to become the New Masters and Oppressors, and CONTROL THE WORLD!! In ALL cases in transmission of my emails, I follow-up with a phone call so NO ONE can say THEY DID NOT KNOW! The TRUTH of the matter is that NO ONE wants to FACE and DEAL with REALITY so they just continue to turn a blind-eye to all the CRIMINAL ACTIVITY and CORRUPTION.
With 'friends' like these the British Royal Family Hardly NEEDS Enemies!!
Email to Earl Bathurst (Letter to Earl Bathurst in 2018 and his sister Lady Henrietta Bathurst a roommate of mine at Cobham Hall in Kent in mid 1970s)