Please see below my recent letter to GWU Economist, Stephen Smith, and Dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Science, Paul Wahlbeck, as Administrators of the Professor Robert M. Dunn Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund. Of course the ONLY response I got from GWU was NOT a call from either of these 'big-wigs' interested in my research or analyses of the past 15 years. Instead, I received a call from the GWU 'police' department asking about 'wording' in my letter. At first, I thought it was about the 'swear word' "Bitch," which I do use several times. And, told him EVERYONE is 'swearing' these days, in my defense!!! I also use the words 'whores and pimps' which are technically not 'swear' words, even though they are not exactly 'polite'; BUT TRUE! I do not often use 'swear' words, but when the situation s'oblige, I call a 'Spade a Spade'!!!
However, the IDIOT GWU 'police detective' was NOT concerned with my 'swearing' or even the contents of my letter, and how it exposes the FRADULENT activity that HE is Accessory to under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and Foreign Corrupt Practice Act (FCPA), as well as subversion of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. What he was 'concerned with' was my 'prediction' of a blood-bath in DC!!
If the ENTIRE City does NOT wake-up and Smell the Coffee, that is what is going to happen, in their neighborhoods and homes in Washington, as well as the Entire Country. And, this time around their 'armies' will not have muskets, rifles, bayonets, cannons, machine guns or knives and hand-guns as in past centuries, but will be armed with all sorts of fancy military issue bazookas and high-power weapons, that will make previous wars on our soil look like child's play. I do not know who does the grocery shopping, rides public transportation, or goes to the Post Office in their families. Because the OPEN HATRED and AGGRESSION of the black and brown women towards the whites is HORRIFIC. I have complained several times to managers--who could CARE LESS!! As the UN report, "Indepth study on all forms of violence against women" clearly demonstrates that it is the Women in social orders who incite the Violence of Men, and DC (and Chicago are PERFECT examples).
Security personnel (military, police, or others) have a RESPONSIBILITY to be INFORMED as to what those in their government's and communities are doing, and the activities they are involved in just like any other Citizen in the world. And, since everyone is well aware of that media outlets are nothing but propaganda producing industries, and that 'fake news' is a REAL problem (and not just something Trump dreamt up); they have an OBLIGATION to inform themselves as to what is REAL and what is BS! And, when this information is literally DUMPED in their lap, but they cannot be bothered to Read, Understand, or Act they implicate themselves as Accessory to any of the Criminal Activity they are covering-up, and even more so when they are 'protecting' this Criminal Activity under RICO and FCPA!
And, the fact that these actors just 'scoff' at me in denigration of the 'rich, white woman' just increases their culpability and tort under RICO and FCPA, as it provides yet another paper trail of EVIDENCE of collusion by ALL the 'game-players' in DC. While all of the 'big-wigs' and 'small fries' in DC are COLLUDING to Subvert the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, as well as INCITE VIOLENCE and War in the country and world, I am building a case against them for the courts, which will PREVENT the Violence, War, and Blood-shed they are so desperate to see as it produces more and more jobs for them, weapons from their manufacturers, assembly line factory jobs, and pockets for the politicians and international community to fill with bribes and expense accounts! This once again clearly establishes that their motivation in turning a blind eye to FACTS and EVIDENCE is for financial gain, upping the ante against them under RICO.
Additionally, as you may note in my letter to the GWU police detective, I want to KNOW HOW He knew that I had on GWU campus the day before our conversation? I also want to KNOW under whose authority, and for WHAT reason He had the Right to restrict my access to GWU campus, or the Public streets surrounding it. Unfortunately, his Failure to respond to my questions, as well as correspondence, only strengthens my case against him and GWU, when I finally get everyone into Court. Not only do I have lawsuits against 5 departments at GWU for FRADULENT activity. But, also against its Presidents LeBlanc and Knapp, with GWU security on board, providing another link of COLLUSION between the IMF and GWU in Criminal and 'Un American' activity under the US Constitution. Donald Trump's university is NOT the ONLY one which needs to be investigated, and shut-down, for it Fraudulent Activity!
While admittedly all the Machiavellian 'game players' involved in the Entire Mess, and whose complicity I have been tracking and documenting for 15 years now, are playing a HIGH STAKES game with 'Winner Take All'! All of the Stupid, IDIOTS I have dealt with in the past 15 years have been so desperate to Destroy me. But, in the process they have Destroyed Themselves under their OWN LAWS and legal precedents!!
Paul Wahlbeck, Dean of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
Stephen C. Smith, Chair of the Department of Economics
George Washington University (GWU)
Washington, DC
RE: ‘Big-Wig’ Economists and Policy Makers in the ‘Swamp’ Need a Wake-Up Call from a Princess and her ‘Pea’
January 11, 2021
Dear Drs. Wahlbeck and Smith,
Please find below a report I have prepared for you as Administrators of the Professor Robert M. Dunn Jr. Memorial Endowment Fund. I took Dr. Dunn’s international economics 101 course at George Washington University (GWU) in 1985 and was told to ‘drop the course’ by my classmates, because “even the econ. majors failed it at least once.” It ended up being one of the easiest courses I ever took. Not only did I receive a 98% (which I still contend should have been a 99%) on the mid-term. But, I also tutored a group of my classmates for the final, who all passed the course, even though they miserably had failed the mid-term.
Unfortunately, all the PhDs and ‘big-wig’, ‘experts’ I have been Lobbying (NOT ‘raising their awareness’ as they lack the cognitive capacity for ‘awareness’) since my return to the ‘Swamp’ in 2009, are possessed with the same level of Misogyny and Arrogance as Dr. Dunn in 1985, when I so easily ‘Aced’ his course—like I often did in school, if the subject matter was interesting! Just because I am a ‘rich, white, WASP Woman’ who ‘Opted-Out’ of Their ‘Game’, it does NOT make me a BRAIN-DEAD BIMBO (like so many women in the ‘Swamp’ I know, particularly amongst the ‘preppies’ and ‘yuppies’ of the ‘Golden Age’—the Same Era of This Old-Lady, Dowager, who DID NOT return to Get Back into the ‘Game’!!!) Putting young, BRAIN-DEAD BIMBOS (even those with PhDs and MBAs), into Power will be NO more beneficial to Washington, than the putting all the ‘old ladies’ who preceded them, be they ‘wife bosses’ or ‘workplace bosses’ of the ‘Out to Lunch’ men—in power!!
In Spain, the men will all tell you that they ‘manda en la casa’. But, the women will all tell you, that the men THINK they ‘manda’, but the one who REALLY Rules are the Women! Women RULE with their BRAINS and WIT, not BRAWN and WEAPONS, and WHY they ARE NOT the ‘Weaker’ Sex!! It is just that the ‘Good Witches’ RULE for the COMMON GOOD and GENERAL WELFARE of her children and families, whereas the ‘Bad Witches’ RULE in order to advance their Narcissistic interests, and feed their adrenaline highs in manipulating and controlling their husbands, children, and social orders, while ‘playing’ the Angel and Saint—with their ‘charity’ work!
As, I told one young woman in the Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) at the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF), enrolled in a ‘lobbying’ course at GWU,
‘lobbying’ is EASY! You can SHAME them, or BUY them! And, since everyone keeps stealing my money, and try to marginalize and destroy me, they only leave me the SHAME GAME! But, No Worries! As I always told my Muslim and Jewish friends, “I do not know who cornered the market on the SHAME GAME. But, my mother was Catholic, and a REAL PRO!!” So, I learned from the BEST!!!’ And, can SHAME the PANTS off of even the MOST INFLATED EGO PhD or MBA in existence, which are ‘peanuts’ compared to the Psychopathic BITCHES of the World!!!
What Washington’s ‘Swamp-dwellers’ NEED is a GOOD DOSE, of Emily Post’s Lessons in Manners and Etiquette by a Princess with a ‘PEA’ to grind, and an Angry Queen-Bee, that NO ONE should want to have in their ‘bonnets’, lest they be stung very, very many times, when the Nurember Trials II begin!
I have long contended, and agree with Einstein, that the ‘rote’ educational system leaves much to be desired—and in fact, Discourages and Chastises anyone (or anything), which challenges the status quo, which is producing Narcissists and Psychopaths, like their parents, as well as brain-dead, brown-nosers who ‘learn their lines and move as expected”! Not only have I observed this phenomenon in the ‘upper crust’ American and British educational system, but also in the ‘upper crust’ French system, in which my two sons were educated, with the French decidedly worse! GREAT reform in educational systems, starting with early childhood education, and socialization, is Needed, as educational systems (from top to bottom) are enabling and empowering more and more college grads, MBAs and PhDs who never graduated from kindergarten.
And, the thousands, if not millions, of PhDs and MBAs in the ‘Swamp’, who have been looking down their noses at me for the past 12 years in my research and lobbying efforts, are just as Arrogant and COMPLICATING their Subject Matter, as Dr. Dunn did many years ago. Particularly, obnoxious are all the economists and ‘big-wigs’ in the IMF’s Family Association (IMFFA) as well as ICD, where I worked in Administrative positions between 2009 and 2015, during which time I was bullied, harassed and discriminated against, as well as wrongfully (and illegally) terminated twice. Of course, all the ‘protection rackets’ which control the IMF have swept everything under the carpet, as have lawyers, legal clinics, and university’s law departments, who agree with IMF staff that they, and World Bank and UN staffers, are ‘protected’ by ‘diplomatic immunity’ for all, and any, crimes they might commit!
Unfortunately, for all the ‘game-players’ in the Fund (and their accessories), their ‘shenanigans’ with me have set themselves up for a Great Fall under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on top of crimes against humanity under art. 7 of the Rome Statutes, as well as genocide (with the COVID Pandemic) under article 6. My Commercial Law 101 course in the 1980s served me as WELL in Life, as Dunn’s Intl. econ. course—and exposes the ‘Dangers’ of educating someone who has a BRAIN, and NOT AFRAID to USE IT to challenge the Status Quo, and Oppressors of the World!!
The coming weeks, and months, with the transition from the Trump Administration to Biden Administration, is very uncertain after the attack on the Capitol the other day, with an increasing danger of escalating violence in the Streets (and Corridors of Power) in Washington. If all the ‘game-players’ in the ‘Swamp’ continue with their ‘laissez faire’ and ‘let them eat cake’ politics, and instead ONLY concentrate efforts to consolidate their power-bases and ‘friends’ amongst the white, black, brown, yellow, and to a lesser extent red factions (with the feminists within each of these groups the WORST) as they vie to become the New Masters of the Universe, blood-shed in the streets will spill-over into the ‘fancy’ neighborhoods of NW, and MD and VA suburbs where all of these ‘big-wigs’ and their families reside.
I do NOT know why all the Marie-Antoinette’s who are the REAL ‘Deep State’ actors in the ‘Swamp’ believe that their ‘let them eat cake’ policies, will end up ANY different than the one who Lost Her Head in the French Revolution! Man is the ONLY animal stupid enough to keep tripping over the same stone time and time throughout History. And Woman is the ONLY animal stupid enough to keep letting him DO IT!
I have done EVERYTHING in my POWER to inform all the ‘big-wigs’ as to the ERRORS of their ways—short of standing in front of the ‘big-wigs’ homes, with my banners and scream at them, in which case, paradoxically, I would be arrested for ‘disturbing the Peace’. So, when the ‘House of Cards’ collapses, and the People want JUSTICE, I will have my conscience clear, when they and their families must Pay the Piper in the Courts, and retribution to their many, many victims! I can DO NO more, than continue to write letter after letter, that will just be thrown in the trash, documenting the CONTINUING and SYSTEMIC BAD-FAITH of ALL the ‘Swamp-dwellers’, regardless of race, color, creed, nationality, gender, etc.!
I hope that you might be more Diligent in Reading my correspondences, than your colleagues and other ‘big-wigs’ in the ‘Game’ of the past 12 years—and TAKE ACTION, instead of ‘ignoring me’ hoping that I, and my ‘Beefs’ will just miraculously ‘Go Away’ so the Narcissists and Psychopaths in Power will not be ‘disturbed’ from their shopping, partying, and extra-marital affairs!
Quenby Wilcox
Founder – Global Expats
Founder – War on Domestic Terrorism
Founder – Taking Back America for the People!
‘Swamp-dwellers’ on the Right and Left and Implications under RICO, FCPA, US Constitution and Rome Statutes
by Quenby Wilcox (January 2021)
Table of Contents
Intl. Econ. 101 with Robert Dunn in 1985: What Do the Experts Know?!?!
My Return to the ‘Swamp’ after 20 Years Absence to Find NOTHING has Changed Except the Number of ‘Game-players’ in the Cesspool
Nouveau-Riche ‘Swamp-dwellers’ and Robber-Barons Descendants Complicit to the Rise of the Fourth Reich Since the Reign of Nancy Reagan in the 1980s
‘Game-Players’ in the Intl. Development Community Complicit to Rise of the Fourth Reich with Their Global Networks of ‘Game-Players’ in Public and Private Sectors
Dangers of Managerialism, Alpha-Dominance Feminism and Minorityism, Coupled with Affirmative Action
Good Governing is about the Affairs of the State, NOT the ‘Affairs’ of the People who Run the State: Examined Under RICO and FCPA
Feminists and Efforts to ‘Liberate’ Women in Afghanistan is Literally Killing IMF and World Bank Staff and Their Children: But Is Nothing More than Collateral Damage for all the ‘Swamp-dwellers’
Even Egg-Throwing & Threats to Throw Axes, Can’t Get the Attention of the Egg-Heads in the ‘Swamps’
Reaganomics ‘trickle-down’ INCREASED Income-Inequality in USA, as Will SDGs Globally! SDGs Another Con-Job by ICD Staff!
Implications for IMF, World Bank and UN Spouses and Families Under RICO and FCPA
Social-Climbing Expat Wives and Immigrants in the ‘Swamp’ Want to “Have It All” Under RICO and FCPA?! So Be It!
The Influence of the Narcissistic, Ladder-Grapplers of the ‘Golden Age’ Is Still Alive and Well in the ‘Swamp’
Combating the Narcissism Epidemic, by Fighting Fire with Fire & Manners and Etiquette of Emily Post
Slavery Has Not Died, It Has Just Changed Form and Targeted Groups: With ‘Opting-In’ Homemakers the New Targeted Group and the New ‘Untouchable’ and ‘Sati’ victims in Western Societies
As Mark Twain Aptly Stated, “An ‘Expert’ is Someone from Out of Town”
As the World Turns in the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) with Ladder-Grappling, Alpha-Dominance Feminists under RICO and FCPA
My ‘Ousting’ from ICD by Alpha-Dominance Feminists Has Implicated All Its Staffers in Charges under RICO and FCPA
My ‘Ousting’ from ICD Precipitated My ‘Ousting’ from My Lodging by Alpha-Dominance Feminists: Upping the Ante Under RICO and FCPA for ‘Swamp-dwellers’
If the World of the Ruling-Elite ‘Swamp-dwellers’ is Small, the World of IMF and World Bank ‘Game-Playing’ Staffers is Infinitely More So!
The Working of the Narcissistic and Psychopathic Minds of the Alpha-Dominance Feminists
Generosity, Empathy, and Humility are Not Signs of Weakness, But Rather Signs of Strength and Intelligence!
Civil Unrest is a Consequences of the Clawing, Class-Struggle between the Feminists, Minoritists, Managerialists, Fourth Reichers, and Affirmative Actionists, rather than a Struggle for Equal Rights for ALL!
Case of Ghislaine Maxell, Prince Andrew, and Jeffrey Epstein and Where’s My ‘Beef’!
Why is Maxwell Considered a Criminal ‘Madame’, While Honorary Chair of IMFFA, Anne Sinclair is an Angel and Star Still Welcome in ‘The Club’?
Ingrid and Astrid Betancourt, Daniel and Nicole Parfait, and Philippe and Maguelone Orliange—More ‘Big-Wigs’ in the Global CESSPOOL!
Back-Stabbing Bitches in ‘Expat Wives Club’ are par for the Course Amongst Social-Climbers in the International Community and Their Version of ‘Real Housewives’
SDGs Will Never be Achieved Under the Narcissistic Paradigm Begun During the ‘Golden Age’, a Tool of the Koch Bros. and Fourth Reichers
Even Silence Has an End: My 12 Years of Captivity in the ‘Swamp’, the Greatest ‘Democracy’ the World NEVER Saw!
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
The Only Piggy to Survive When the Wolf Came to His Door was the Laborious and Diligent One!
Dismantling the Fourth Reich with a New Civil Rights Movement for the People
‘Diversity’, Managerialism, and Affirmative Action in ICD and Their Supporters of the Fourth Reich