As Jane Mayer explains in her book, Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, the plan of the Koch Bros. to combat the advancements made in Civil Rights during the 1950s, '60s, and '70s included inundating the US with think tanks and NGOs, and they have been VERY successful in their Endeavors. Unfortunately, all the other factions on the Right and Left have just 'jumped on the band-wagon' of producing USELESS think tanks & NGOs in order to provide jobs for all the millions and millions of PhDs and MBAs who never graduated from kindergarten that greedy for-profit, 'ivy-league' universities are churning out, only with ladder-grappling under-grads.
One of the main reasons that Reaganomics 'trickle-down' theory led to INCREASED INCOME INEQUALITY rather than a 'trickle-down' of 'Wealth and Prosperity' is because the Narcissists who have risen to power in the past 50 years are concentrating money in the hands of a bunch of BS 'intellects' who want to sit up on podium giving speeches, promoting their books, and having extra marital affairs, with the 'cut young college grads' looking to 'grapple up the ladder of success' in the 'Rat Race Game'!
Unfortunately, I do NOT believe that all the Narcissists and Psychopaths which CONTROL the 'Swamp' will voluntarily give up their cushy-jobs and generous salaries -- to produce nothing more than HOT AIR -- willingly. And, the legal community in DC, globally, also Sold their Souls to the Narcissism Epidemic of the 'Golden Age' and NOT ACT. Nor, will governments or Monarchs who have the Power and Authority to ACT and Dismantle these TERRORIST CELLS!
EVERYONE is too busy making LOTS of MONEY off the 'Game' to CARE what the 'Game' will lead them!
List of Think Tanks, NGOs & Charitable Foundations - Wikipedia
