March 2022 - It took this law firm less than 48 hours to respond to me that "after careful consideration of the case, they found no basis or merits under the law to my contentions." Then, of course they pulled-out the 'go to favorite' of lawyers -- "be careful about statute of limitations" on any claims you have. From the beginning the legal community has tried to Intimidate and Denigrate by claiming 'immunity' under the 'statute of limitation' card, which ONLY demonstrates their STUPIDITY and LACK OF UNDERSTANDING OF BASIC LEGAL PRINICIPLES!!!
Workplace Bullying & Complicity of International Monetary Fund (IMF) HR Dept. & Exec. Directors of the IMF & World Bank
While IMF and World Bank Staff and their spouse have been playing the 'callate tonta' and 'ignore her 'til she goes away' Games with me, just like everyone else in the 'Swamp' who are as much the motor behind the rising Woke alt-Left and alt-Right Extremism and Domestic Violence Extremists (DVEs) as defined in Biden's 2021 report, Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Heightened Threat in 2021.
As I keep on telling all the Domestic Violent Extremist (DVE) on the alt-Right and alt-Left which control the city and their Conversation, the one who laughs last laughs the loudest'!!! All of the 'experts' in the city have crap shot 'It All' in order to 'Have It All'!!!

Wilcox vs. IMF and IMFFA for Harassment, Discrimination,
Emails w. James Love of Knowledge Ecology Intl. - Ralph Nader Initiative w. Joseph Stiglitz on its it Board - RE their Director of Development, Anne Beatrix Keller Semadeni, former Chair of the IMF Family Association and my pending lawsuits against her, IMFFA and IMF staffers.
Dear IMF Staff Assoc — 2019 Dear MD IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, 4-20-20 Emails to Patti, Asst. to Chami – ICD - 2020 Dear Ms. Sinclair Editor in Chief of Huffington Post France - 2012 Dear S. Coorey – Dir. of ICD – 2019 Dear K. Kochhar – IMF HR Director 12-1-2019 Email Kochhar 9-2016 Dear New Director of ICD – On Advice of Jennifer Chidac Dear ICD Staff — 2019 Dear Robert Powell – Dir of ICDSE – UN Liaison – 2019 Dear-Mark-Lewis-Director-of-IMF-ICDGP - 2018 Dear Yasmine White Lewis - 2020 Dear Warner Keller 4-13-20 Dear Phannath Million 4-13-20 Dear IMFFA board -3-29-20
Job Applications Documenting Discrimination in IMF Hiring Practices in 2021
It should be noted that the position of Admin. Asst. for the IMF Family Association (IMFFA) is the SAME JOB I had with them starting in May 2009 until my wrongful and illegal termination by its Chair Anne-Beatrix Keller Semadeni and John Harper in February 2011. My termination by these two was reminiscent of the back stabbing 'antics' of French Embassy 'trailing spouses' board members during my year as President of 'Expat Wives Club' Bogota Accueil in 2001-02. And, why I came up with the idea for a NEW 'Expat Wives Club', (Global Expats) in 2006, which precipitated my domestic violence case and ensuing divorce in Spain in 2007-12, and return to the US, and DC seeking assistance from the US State Department, White House and Congress - to no avail.
IMF ICD Senior Personnel Manager – Q. Wilcox
IMF RBM Projects Manager – Q. Wilcox
Programs Assistant for French ED at the IMF – Q. Wilcox
Senior Administrative Assistant at the IMF – Q. Wilcox
Staff Assistant at the IMF – Q. Wilcox
Practices & Policies of IMF which Violate the Mandate of the Organization & Instead are Complicit to the Corruption & Negligence in Banking Systems & Financial Markets -
Supporting Documents in Case Against ICD
Winters Group
Respectful Workplace Seminar ICD, 2013 & 2015